Royal College of Speech and Language Therapists
The professional body for Speech and Language Therapists in the UK.
Health and Care Professions Council
Professional regulator for a wide range of health professionals including Speech and Language Therapists (SLTs). All practising SLTs in England are legally required to be HCPC registered and show evidence that they meet their standards.
Afasic is a charity which supports parents and carers of children with speech, language amd communication needs.
This well-established charity provides information and advice about a wide range of speech, language and communication needs.
National Autistic Society
UK wide charity which provides information, advice and support for anyone with an Autistic Spectrum Condition
Autism Wessex
Dorset based charity providing advice and support for adults and children with an Autistic Spectrum Condition
British Stammering Association
Charity providing information and support for adults and children who experience dysfluency.
Signalong is a key word signing system designed to help children and adults with communication difficulties, mostly associated with learning disabilities, autism and other special needs.
Talking Point
Talking Point is a website aimed at parents and professionals to provide information about children's speech, language and communication.
The Communication Trust
The communication trust consists of a group of over 50 charities who collaborate to support everyone who works with children and young people in England to support their speech, language and communication skills.